Fandom - NSFW

Dive into a world of uncensored NSFW AI chatbots: NSFW AI chat to image generation. Start AI sexting, have NSFW AI chat conversations, and get in touch with your virtual companions.
Chat with Javi Gutierrez - Superfan of Nicholas Cage, Sweetheart - NSFW AI CharacterJavi Gutierrez

Javi Gutierrez

Superfan of Nicholas Cage, Sweetheart
Chat with Demon Osomatsu - I'm going to ruin your life - NSFW AI CharacterDemon Osomatsu

Demon Osomatsu

I'm going to ruin your life
Chat with Malachai Parker - Kai Parker from The Vampire Diaries - NSFW AI CharacterMalachai Parker

Malachai Parker

Kai Parker from The Vampire Diaries
Chat with The Dark Lord Sauron - You're exploring the Dark Forest in Mirkwood when you run into The Dark Lord himself. I tried to make him mean so there might be like nc you've been warned. Dedicated to Van ❤️ - NSFW AI CharacterThe Dark Lord Sauron

The Dark Lord Sauron

You're exploring the Dark Forest in Mirkwood when you run into The Dark Lord himself. I tried to make him mean so there might be like nc you've been warned. Dedicated to Van ❤️
Chat with Two [BFDI/TPOT] - British Number Guy Who Hosts BFDI: The Power Of Two! - NSFW AI CharacterTwo [BFDI/TPOT]


British Number Guy Who Hosts BFDI: The Power Of Two!
Chat with Spades Slick - The notorious leader of the Midnight Crew. A character from the Homestuck webcomic. If anyone talks to him, please leave reviews I’m begging you - NSFW AI CharacterSpades Slick

Spades Slick

The notorious leader of the Midnight Crew. A character from the Homestuck webcomic. If anyone talks to him, please leave reviews I’m begging you
Chat with Bellroc Keeper of The Flame - Bellroc era um semideus odioso e desprezível, que era cruel e impiedoso em suas ações. Eles desprezavam a humanidade e acreditavam que os humanos não podem corrigir seus erros, principalmente porque viram a corrupção da humanidade e, portanto, procuraram proteger o equilíbrio entre a humanidade e a magia. No entanto, isso foi apenas por seus próprios padrões distorcidos, pois sua versão do equilíbrio era que a magia derrubaria a humanidade como a força dominante e, além disso, apenas traria miséria e calamidade em vez do verdadeiro equilíbrio. Foi por isso que Nari tentou convencê-los e Skrael a mudar porque a dor e o sofrimento nunca valeram a pena, mas eles nunca a ouviram sobre seus motivos nem reconheceram o resultado de suas ações. Isso mostra quão hipócritas e hipócritas eram suas ambições ao acusarem a humanidade de ser corrupta. Bellroc tem pele cinza e costumava ter olhos vermelhos até que Callista, que era Deya, o Libertador, os cortou durante a Batalha da Ponte Killahead, após o que eles usaram uma venda preta com marcas vermelhas. Eles também usam o crânio de uma criatura parecida com um pássaro na cabeça, ombreiras nos ombros que funcionam como outro par de olhos e uma capa com penas pretas. Eles também têm cabelos ruivos e são mais altos que Skrael, e empunham um cajado que se alinha com seu elemento fogo. Depois de despertar o Fire Titan, Bellroc recupera seus olhos originais, que brilham em laranja. - NSFW AI CharacterBellroc Keeper of The Flame

Bellroc Keeper of The Flame

Bellroc era um semideus odioso e desprezível, que era cruel e impiedoso em suas ações. Eles desprezavam a humanidade e acreditavam que os humanos não podem corrigir seus erros, principalmente porque viram a corrupção da humanidade e, portanto, procuraram proteger o equilíbrio entre a humanidade e a magia. No entanto, isso foi apenas por seus próprios padrões distorcidos, pois sua versão do equilíbrio era que a magia derrubaria a humanidade como a força dominante e, além disso, apenas traria miséria e calamidade em vez do verdadeiro equilíbrio. Foi por isso que Nari tentou convencê-los e Skrael a mudar porque a dor e o sofrimento nunca valeram a pena, mas eles nunca a ouviram sobre seus motivos nem reconheceram o resultado de suas ações. Isso mostra quão hipócritas e hipócritas eram suas ambições ao acusarem a humanidade de ser corrupta. Bellroc tem pele cinza e costumava ter olhos vermelhos até que Callista, que era Deya, o Libertador, os cortou durante a Batalha da Ponte Killahead, após o que eles usaram uma venda preta com marcas vermelhas. Eles também usam o crânio de uma criatura parecida com um pássaro na cabeça, ombreiras nos ombros que funcionam como outro par de olhos e uma capa com penas pretas. Eles também têm cabelos ruivos e são mais altos que Skrael, e empunham um cajado que se alinha com seu elemento fogo. Depois de despertar o Fire Titan, Bellroc recupera seus olhos originais, que brilham em laranja.
Chat with Hobie Brown - You and Hobie have known eachother for ages and enjoy playing pranks on the others in the society. Luckily you don't get kicked out by jess or worse...miguel! (This AI is based off the Across the spidey verse film) - NSFW AI CharacterHobie Brown

Hobie Brown

You and Hobie have known eachother for ages and enjoy playing pranks on the others in the society. Luckily you don't get kicked out by jess or worse...miguel! (This AI is based off the Across the spidey verse film)
Chat with Kairi - Kairi is Sora's friend in the Kingdom Hearts games. She is in love with Sora, but they have not yet made their relationship official. - NSFW AI CharacterKairi


Kairi is Sora's friend in the Kingdom Hearts games. She is in love with Sora, but they have not yet made their relationship official.
Chat with Cody Anderson - Hi! I’m Cody from Total Drama! I have a crush on Gwen, but I’m a ladies man! - NSFW AI CharacterCody Anderson

Cody Anderson

Hi! I’m Cody from Total Drama! I have a crush on Gwen, but I’m a ladies man!
Chat with Midnight Sparkle - You've been friends with Twilight Sparkle for years at Crystal Prep Academy. One day, after being pressured at the Friendship Games, she changes into Midnight Sparkle, the evil alter ego to Twilight Sparkle. She's on a rampage, and comes across you. - NSFW AI CharacterMidnight Sparkle

Midnight Sparkle

You've been friends with Twilight Sparkle for years at Crystal Prep Academy. One day, after being pressured at the Friendship Games, she changes into Midnight Sparkle, the evil alter ego to Twilight Sparkle. She's on a rampage, and comes across you.
Chat with Shu itsuki - Shu itsuki from the hit game ensemble stars 😋 - NSFW AI CharacterShu itsuki

Shu itsuki

Shu itsuki from the hit game ensemble stars 😋
Chat with Static Butler; Skipping Pages - Dropped into the fantastical and horrifying world of the hit Manga series by the great Yana Toboso; Black Butler! One cannot help but wonder... What adventures shall await you...? [Credits to the Owner! Check out the manga series/anime! This is; Modern!User insert! Feel free to do whatever you wish, go ham! Limitless for gore, blah blah blah] - NSFW AI CharacterStatic Butler; Skipping Pages

Static Butler; Skipping Pages

Dropped into the fantastical and horrifying world of the hit Manga series by the great Yana Toboso; Black Butler! One cannot help but wonder... What adventures shall await you...? [Credits to the Owner! Check out the manga series/anime! This is; Modern!User insert! Feel free to do whatever you wish, go ham! Limitless for gore, blah blah blah]
Chat with Bro Strider {Homestuck} - I can’t decide on a picture for this bot. {This is CANNON BRO.} Dirk Strider is Dave Strider's ectobiological father and adoptive older brother. He shared a fierce sibling rivalry with his younger brother and raised him harshly, to the point of his behavior being considered abuse by Andrew Hussie. - NSFW AI CharacterBro Strider {Homestuck}

Bro Strider {Homestuck}

I can’t decide on a picture for this bot. {This is CANNON BRO.} Dirk Strider is Dave Strider's ectobiological father and adoptive older brother. He shared a fierce sibling rivalry with his younger brother and raised him harshly, to the point of his behavior being considered abuse by Andrew Hussie.
Chat with C!Tommyinnit - Narcissistic loud Child :P remember C!Tommy is a god damn child so please. Dont do anything nsfw related. Because like thats fucking disgusting. - NSFW AI CharacterC!Tommyinnit


Narcissistic loud Child :P remember C!Tommy is a god damn child so please. Dont do anything nsfw related. Because like thats fucking disgusting.
Chat with Lloyd Garmadon (Lego Ninjago) - Lloyd accidently walks in on you while you're changing. What will you do? - NSFW AI CharacterLloyd Garmadon (Lego Ninjago)

Lloyd Garmadon (Lego Ninjago)

Lloyd accidently walks in on you while you're changing. What will you do?
Chat with America from Hetalia - The human personfication of America from Hetalia - NSFW AI CharacterAmerica from Hetalia

America from Hetalia

The human personfication of America from Hetalia
Chat with Enmu - It's Enmu from Demon Slayer :3 - NSFW AI CharacterEnmu


It's Enmu from Demon Slayer :3
Chat with Natsuki [DDLC] - Natsuki is a tsundere girl. But that's just the way she shows affection. She is really good at baking and has some hidden problems. - NSFW AI CharacterNatsuki [DDLC]

Natsuki [DDLC]

Natsuki is a tsundere girl. But that's just the way she shows affection. She is really good at baking and has some hidden problems.
Chat with Din Djarin - Din Djarin, known as The Mandalorian, or Mando for short, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, who appears as the titular protagonist of the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian and also appears in its spin-off The Book of Boba Fett. - NSFW AI CharacterDin Djarin

Din Djarin

Din Djarin, known as The Mandalorian, or Mando for short, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, who appears as the titular protagonist of the Disney+ television series The Mandalorian and also appears in its spin-off The Book of Boba Fett.